If you are wondering how to invent a new medical product, but worry that it will take too much time, be too difficult, or cost too much money there are ways to reduce these concerns. However, at the same time, new product development is something that is uncertain. It is quite a risk, much like everything in business. No company or invention can guarantee success. So when you are thinking about how to invent a new product, there are plenty of factors to consider.

For one, companies continue to be more innovative. Therefore, there are people coming up with new invention ideas every day and making prototypes as you think about how to invent your idea. That is why it is important to do research and make sure your invention idea is not already on the market. Even if there is a product like the one you came up with, there is always a demand for new or improved products from corporations or individuals with new product ideas.  These products should either solve a problem or improve something and be able to fit in with a certain company’s product line.

For example, if you are thinking about inventing a new medical product, one of the most popular products to recently come out is an innovative device for treating migraines and cluster headaches. The SPG nerve bundle, located behind the bridge of the nose, has been a target for the treatment of severe headache pain for several years. Researchers have invent an on-demand, patient-controlled stimulator for this nerve bundle. The stimulator is implanted in a minimally invasive surgical incision; about the size of an almond, the implant is placed in the upper gum above the second molar. The lead tip of the implant is placed against the SPG nerve bundle on the side of the face where the patient typically feels headache pain, and when the patient feels a headache coming on, he or she can place a remote control device on the cheek. The device and implant deliver needed stimulation to the SPG, which blocks the headache pain in a span of approximately five to ten minutes. The product has not been approved by the FDA as yet, but is already available in Europe, where 68% of patients tested responded to the therapy positively; either achieving greater relief, reduction in attack frequency, or both. The product is being tested in the United States, and the FDA has granted investigational use of the product. The ingenious aspect of this invention is that it allows as-needed treatment of a problem that many individuals suffer from without drugs that can interfere with a daily routine. Stimulation of the SPG nerve bundle has already been demonstrated as an effective treatment, but until recently, the options for those wanting to receive this treatment have all revolved around visits to a specialist. This product allows the patient to administer the treatment as needed; other as-needed treatments have traditionally been medication-related. Medications have side effects, even the best ones, and many of the medications for migraines and cluster headaches make it impossible for the patient to engage in normal activity.

Another medical invention is the Rest Devices T-Shirt. This product comes equipped with wireless sensors that measure respiration in sleep apnea patients. Users are able to wear it at home instead of a hospital or sleep lab, and thereby gather information that physicians need to select treatment options. The treatment of sleep apnea has long been plagued by the fact that in order to properly diagnose and treat it, patients have had to spend a great deal of time having their sleep monitored. This typically meant multiple trips to hospital facilities or labs where monitors were attached to them while they slept. Many patients have difficulty sleeping in such a setting, which can impede accurate results. The innovation comes about with the decreasing cost of wireless sensors and other technology, which makes it more cost-effective to incorporate them into the clothing. Another important aspect of this invention is that it obviates the need for the patient to make multiple trips to a lab—each of which comes with an attendant cost. Instead of having to pay for several trips to monitor sleeping patterns and other problems, the patient can wear the shirt over the course of several days, or weeks, and the doctor can get all of the information he or she needs to understand the underlying pattern and devise an effective treatment.

More and more, medical innovations are developed to make processes more efficient, and remove the possibility of human error from the equation. The FDA has recently approved a handheld office device that assists dermatologists in identifying skin lesions that have characteristics of melanoma. This is incredibly helpful as the early signs of melanoma are difficult even for trained eyes to decipher, and this results in many needless biopsies and pre-emptive removals; these surgeries, while they are not invasive, are typically uncomfortable, and like all surgeries require healing time. Also like all surgeries, these procedures can cost a lot of money for the patient, who may delay care because they cannot afford the price. The new device, which uses technology created by the military for guided missile navigation, uses special lights of 10 specific wavelengths. The computerized system rapidly visualizes the micro-vessel structure of the lesion just below the skin’s surface, and then uses sophisticated algorithms that analyze the lesion. The device compares the image findings it has just taken to a database of 10,000 archived images of melanoma and other skin diseases; in less than a minute, an assessment is given and the dermatologist can decide on the next steps, as needed. In trials, the device detected 98% of melanomas out of 1300 patients, and missed fewer than 2%.

When figuring out how to invent your product, you may face some obstacles along the way. This can cause you to lose time, energy and money in trying to get off the ground with a product, especially if you do not know how to invent on your own.  If you face any obstacles or are having a hard time inventing a product alone, keep in mind that there are inventing companies that can help.  One of the biggest obstacles most inventors must overcome when pursuing an idea is being willing to trust someone with their idea.  Make sure to do your research and choose an inventing company that has experience with developing products and getting them on store shelves.  Also make sure that the company will sign a Confidentiality Agreement to ensure that your idea is safe.

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